CBDwhatsup.com is owned and run by Bill Ainsley. Bill is an entrepreneur, advocate, and involved in helping those in our community. Bill is also an independent affiliate of My Daily Choice, Inc. My Daily Choice provides health and wellness products from companies directly to consumers.
Why CBD?
I was skeptical at first about CBD. But then some of my clients started using it and I saw firsthand the relief and benefit it brought them. I felt like I had to tell everyone what’s up with CBD. This stuff works. I did research and found the best, third party-tested CBD products. I created this website to help others learn more about CBD and get access to real, trusted CBD products.
Why My Daily Choice?
Technology has changed how we do a lot of things in our lives. I really believe it can change how we work and make a living. My Daily Choice provides an platform for businesses to get their innovative products to consumers. Getting access to the forefront of the health and wellness industry through My Daily Choice gives me advantages for my health and my business.
“Bill is a treasure in our community. The work he does for those who need help is inspiring. Des Moines is lucky to have him.”

D. Butters – Local Business Owner

This site is the property of HempWorx / My Daily Choice
Independent Affiliate Bill Ainsley. ID#4393571
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Full legal disclaimers can be found here.